Tuesday, July 26, 2011


I'm still super busy these days, but I want to keep up with this as much as I can, so I'm doing a quick post. Josh and I went to the movies Sunday to see Transformers: Dark of the Moon. We don't like paying $7.50 a person, so we rarely bother going out to the theater, but we need some time out of the house alone. It was a great movie (I love Transformers and Micheal Bay's theatrics). When we went into the lobby I saw an advertisement for my favorite movie of all time. In September of this year Disney is bringing The Lion King back to theaters!!! Its going to be in 3D (which I'm not a big fan of), but seeing it on the big screen is what I'm so excited about. The Lion King originally came out in 1994, when I was 8 years old. I grew up poor, and we never went to the movies, so I never got to experience it in theaters. It has always been my favorite movie and I love getting the opportunity to see it on the big screen.

I have always been a fan of Disney movies and most of my favorites are Disney films. Below are some of images/gifs of a few of my favorites. Do ya'll like Disney movies? What are your favorites?

Bambi is a great movie, makes me cry every time!! My mom actually nicknamed me Bambi when I was little because she said my eyes were as big as my head..LOL *Quick note, this is a GIF, but you gotta click it to see it move!*

The Little Mermaid is my favorite in terms of music (aside from Fantasia 2000). The songs are amazing, and Ariel's love for singing inspired me to sing. I'm not any good, but I do love karaoke!

Who doesn't love Finding Nemo? This is one of my favorite scenes.

Pocahontas is the movie that cultivated my love of animals and nature. I definitely identify with Pocahontas and her view of the world around her. Every part of nature is alive and connected to each other. Plus, this is another one that has amazing music.

Ratatouille was just awesome! Remy is one of my favorite characters.

I loved the re-imagining of Tarzan in Disney's version. The way Tarzan moves through the forest, and the fluidity of the whole movie was awesome. And the "pots and pans" scene with the gorillas is worthy of a million awards!

Lastly, but definitely not least is Wall-e. This one really hit home with the way humans abuse our only home. I wish it would have spurred more action on our part to clean up the planet, but we are slowly realizing what needs to be done. Plus he is so darn cute!


  1. OMG, 3D Lion King?!? Count me in! Im from 1986, i was 8 years when this came out, and it was one of my favorite movies back then along with aladdin :D

  2. Lion King is such a ripoff from Hamlet.
    good post though

  3. wall-e and lion king are the best!

  4. Classic Disney, its amazing how far they have come! I always love watching the Lion King and have made sure to show it to all my younger cousins!

  5. I was 14 when Lion King came out and did go see it in the theaters. I don't think Disney has come out with a movie to equal it since.

  6. I think the last move I saw in a theater was Titanic, so it has been awhile. Then again I had a lot of lazy teachers who thought watching movies that contained a reference to something we were studying was a good way to spend a few classes. So I watched a lot of movies that were projected onto walls.

  7. Wall-eeee! Oh, and I also love Mulan! Has been one of my favorites when I was young =) Good times...

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. NO WAY! Lion King was the first movie i EVER saw in theaters...! Will definitely have to see it just for nostalgia's sake.

  10. I grew up watching some disney movies. El dorado was indeed awesome and so is the Lion King Movies. I have Wall-E and Ratatouille to watch though. I heard Wall-e was good So might check it out soon.

  11. Just a few comments:

    * Finding Nemo is not Disney, it's Pixar (with Disney money). Disney didn't buy Pixar until Ratattouille. I can't really say I like any of the Pixar movies since Disney bought the studio (except Toy Story 3).

    * I don't like the Disney company one bit. And I don't like most of the movies because I don't like musicals and in most of Disney movies they start singing out of the blue and it bothers me.

    * As somebody already mentioned it, The Lion King is Hamlet.

    * Even though I don't like Disney or singing, I absolutely love The Lion King! I do not like 3D movies, though.

  12. The lion king came out when I was quite young, I remember thinking it was awesome at the time.

  13. lion king in 3d omg i cant wait for this!

    on another note, that last transformers movie sucked imo.

  14. Damn I really love disney movies, like aladdin, and the lion king, though I quite enjoy just seeing Donald Duck or Mickey Mouse.
    But I'm most certainly gonna see that movie in the cinema :D

  15. I almost cried when Wall-e gets stomped :-(

  16. Finding Nemo and Ratatoullie are my favorite ones.

  17. Disney made good movies,Nemo is one of my favourite :)

  18. I can't believe it's been 17 years since The Lion King came out!

  19. I work at a movie theater and was pretty excited to see they are making a 3D version!

  20. I was really impressed with Wall-E, for awhile it seems like Pixar couldn't fail.

  21. nice post, i really like animations too. i can't take off my mind though that you are paying $7.50 to watch a movie at the cinemas and i'm paying $14.30. Thieves!

  22. Some of the old Disney animated movies were just messed up.

  23. Classic disney movies can't be beaten

  24. Lion King is my favorite.. I always wanted to look under rotting logs and find and eat juicy bugs like Timón and Pumba.
